“Fingertips tend to get cold”
Many people are suffering from such coldness.
Some people suffer from coldness in winter as well as in summer. In fact, eating garlic can be expected to improve coldness.
This time, I will explain the effect of improving the cooling performance.
□ About people who are cold
Coldness is a constitution that makes it easier for the whole body or part of the body to cool, even at temperatures that ordinary people do not feel cold.
Women have less muscle mass and their physiology tends to disturb their hormonal balance, so they tend to get cold.
The coldness of the part far from the heart, such as hands and feet, is called coldness.
Not only does it cool down the terminal, but it can also cause drowsiness and redness, insomnia and stiff shoulders.
□ Why is it cold?
There are various causes that cause coldness.
For example, the temperature may be low, muscle mass may be insufficient, and stress may be considered. .
These causes blood to become viscous and blood vessels to contract.
The result is poor circulation and the body feels cold.
Therefore, it is important to improve blood circulation to improve coldness.
□ Garlic helps to improve coldness